What are the specifications of white polypropylene hoisting belt with double eye

Ngày:09-25  Nhấp vào:  Thuộc về:Industry Trends
What are the specifications of white polypropylene hoisting with double button ring eyes?
The double button ring eye of the white lifting belt plays an important role in the lifting belt, the ring eye part mainly plays the role of connecting and fixing, its length and the width of the lifting belt are closely related, qualified lifting belt, the ring eye part should do the following specifications.
When the width of the lifting belt is 30-100mm, the length of the loophole should be 35cm; When the width of the lifting belt is 125-150mm, the length of the ring eye should be 40cm; When the width of the lifting belt is greater than 200mm, the length of the ring eye should be 50cm.
In addition to the width of the lifting belt, the rated load also has a certain influence on the parameters of the ring eye. When the rated load of the lifting belt reaches more than 15T, the length of the ring eye should be about 100cm.

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Điện thoại:13142869696


Địa chỉ:江苏省泰州市高港临港工业园

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